Fast delivery. Never been disappointed with my orders. I highly recommend. Value for money. Super accessible.
— Lisa D.
Perfect size, not too heavy, simple, classic, love it!
— Laurie B.
Perfect jewel!! Quality/price wise it's wow! Very resistant and doesn't change color. I love it.
— Myriam L.
Welcome to Boutique Soha! Founded in 2019 by Megan Perron, a passionate and determined entrepreneur, Soha is the result of a meeting between her passions: fashion, entrepreneurship and events.
For almost six years, we have proudly been a team composed exclusively of women, a choice that reflects our commitment to supporting and promoting female work in a caring and creative environment.
Our mission goes beyond simple sales: we seek to build sincere connections with our customers, sharing values such as integrity, commitment, open communication and impeccable quality.
Thank you for being part of our adventure!